Atlantic Anesthesia | Surgeon Satisfaction, Metrics, Scheduling

For Surgeons

Our Commitment to You
We are committed to serving our surgeons through innovative practices and quality results. We routinely conduct surgeon satisfaction surveys to make certain we are fulfilling the surgeons’ needs and expectations by identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Dedicated site directors make our presence in hospitals and ORs unique by working with personnel to ensure the safest and most efficient environment for everyone and by focusing our regional resources on the needs of the hospital sites. Our site directors ensure the best communication between OR managers and our staff to equip surgeons with the tools necessary to excel.

To contact us about patient care, you can speak with any of the personnal listed below or:

  • Ask any team member to bring a message to our supervising physicians
  • Consult our daily schedule with physician phone numbers, posted at each OR Desk
  • Contact a site secretary to leave a message
Clinical Site Day Shift Floor Supervisor Front Desk Site Director Secretarial Office
Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital 757-395-3331 757-395-8191 Wayne Bergen, MD
Nanette Broughman
Virginia Beach Ambulatory Surgery Center 757-496-6404 757-496-3170 Renee Woodford, MD
Nanette Broughman
Sentara Leigh Hospital 757-261-1252 757-466-6850 Marc Abrams, MD
Nanette Broughman
Sentara Leigh Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Center 757-261-1254 757-466-6827 William Bundschuh, MD
Nanette Broughman
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital 757-475-1535 757-388-3671 Timothy Holroyd, MD
Nanette Broughman


We focus our regional resources through our site director leadership. Your willingness to communicate directly with our site directors early and personally will enhance our relationship with you, allowing us to understand and address your needs with speed and commitment. We know that a personal relationship between peers, while it may seem old fashioned, builds better communication, respect, and results.

  • Our site directors will improve your access to the OR schedule so that you can best maximize your time.
  • We continually seek innovative practices and engage in active partnership with surgeons and the hospital OR team to provide quality care and excellent results at the facilities where we practice.
  • We require each physician to carry a cell phone which decreases response time, especially in the setting of individual case management.
  • We are available 24/7 in carefully coordinated rotating shifts to provide a stream of alert providers and increased availability at critical times.
  • We guarantee OR coverage as required by our hospital contracts, and we also provide flexibility through our rotational shift scheduling.  In 2006, at critical times including the 3-4pm weekday time frame, we exceeded contracted service expectations by a range of 31%-68% in order to get the job done.
  • We reduce your delays and improve overall performance and efficiency through our team approach, which includes you, our site directors, partners, CRNAs, and the hospital staff.
If you need any information regarding the daily AAI schedule, please contact Marie Breeden, our scheduling coordinator, at 388-4884.
A Note About HIV Exposure in the Workplace
We share with you the ever present concern about HIV exposure in the workplace. In response, we have assembled packets of information and medication that allow immediate response to an exposure at any time of day or night. Our kits have been updated in consultation with Doctor Francois Holder, an infectious disease specialist with NDC+ Medical Center. These kits include guidelines for stratified levels of exposure as well as immediate drug therapy. They are available at each of our major clinical sites which include Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, Sentara Leigh Hospital and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital.
Quality Improvement & Patient Safety – Where Tradition Meets Innovation
There are many ways to define and measure quality. AAI defines quality not as a measure, but as a comprehensive look at patient safety and satisfaction, surgeon satisfaction, hospital satisfaction, and service to the region.

We have determined and systematically monitor multiple parameters of performances and outcomes to guide and improve our practice in order to deliver superior care. In fact, AAI is the only anesthesia practice in Virginia that has a dedicated medical professional on staff to analyze and trend these indicators and performance measures.

Surgeon Satisfaction
AAI conducts regular surveys of the hospitals’ leading surgeons to gauge the performance satisfaction of AAI’s services. We examine the following categories:

  • Overall performance and service
  • Professionalism of anesthesiologists and CRNAs
  • Communication with patients
  • Courtesy of anesthesiologists and CRNAs
  • Teamwork and coordination of service
  • Knowledge and skill of anesthesiologists and CRNAs
  • Service needs met by Atlantic Anesthesia

The overall average rating of AAI from the surgeons for 2006 was 4.44 out of 5.00. Upon receiving these results, AAI has been working to deliver an even higher standard of excellence.